What do I STAND for?

You've probably already heard the story of the two wolves. If not, here it is:

One evening, an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said: "Son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside each of us.

One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, doubt, grief, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.

The other is the Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, forgiveness, truth, compassion and faith.

The grandson thought for a minute and asked his grandfather:

"Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee replied simply,

"The one you feed."

... but is it that SIMPLE?

“The two wolves in me are not at war. In fact, they are lovers. The black wolf is powerful and reckless and howls at the moon. The white wolf is witty and gentle and prefers to bathe in the sun. They're polar opposites, so they make a perfect couple. I feed them both. I control them both.”

- Ila.r.Lucas

Ok... it's beautiful... So what now?

Ego and soul. Subconscious and unconscious.

Brain and body.

Darkness and light.

Trauma and Healing.

In fact, it's not about one wolf or the other. It's about knowing how to navigate between the two, finding the balance.

(Wounded) Ego + Soul towards the Heart & Spirit.

In my perception, The dark  wolf is wounded. Caught in the past. A wanderer in his own sense of loss. Trapped in inadequacy. Scarcity. Insecurity. Full of walls but lacking in boundaries. That's its world, a world of shadows and mists. 

Maybe it's still your world. 

What are you carrying that you don’t need anymore? 

What are you numbing?

What are you denying?

What are you deflecting? 

And how to stop for good?

It is true that, without these wounds, the white wolf that is your soul cannot truly expand from the experiences it has come to learn through the exploration of your infinite potential.

The healing experience is a journey from the darkest caves to the greatest lights.


For us to regain a sense of wholeness and authenticity, we must learn what that is NOT.

But we're not supposed to get stuck there forever.

It's a journey, not a life sentence.

A journey of mental liberation.

Of emotional release.

Of spiritual elevation.

In my perspective, It's not about becoming a King or a Queen. But instead:

  • Strive to heal and be a powerful human being, being magnificently human.

  • Unlock your heart and walk on the path of your infinite potential.

  • Become an authentic, loyal, committed partner.

  • Burn the ropes of your past.

  • Build a lasting relationship with the person you choose to be with.



Abandonment, Rejection, Betrayal

Humilation, Deprivation, Powerlessness

Childhood abuse

Sexual trauma

All sorts of « traumas »

Trapped emotions

Limiting beliefs and conditionings

Narcissistic abuse


Attachment styles

Suffocating patterns

These are the real things to look into, to pay attention to.

Not your partner.

Not your family.

Not your boss.

Not your ex-husband or ex-wife.

Nothing outside yourself.

Except if you understand that those are also the helpers who show you what to defuse within.


Don't choose your wolf.

Become one with your two wolves. And if you don't like wolves, that's okay.

It's about YOU anyway.

So here I am.

Quentin. Or Q.

And That’s what I do.

I  hunt and I help.

I stand for your rights and against your own wrath.

Self hurt, self sabotage, self abandonment, self abuse. 

It’s time to stop biting yourself all over. 

I stand for your right to live a life of freedom beyond your limitations so humanity can evolve in the best direction.

One Soul at a time. One group of souls at a time, collectively.

How do I help?

I live for accuracy to help you help yourself. My intention has been the same with what I have asked LIFE:

Lead me to discover, learn and embody the most efficient healing modalities. Beyond traditional approaches. Beyond the known.

My journey, my healing is still on going and will always be. I have learnt from the numerous amounts of challenges I had to face and the 25 + limiting prisons of my own psyche I had to OVERCOME. I have retrained my mind, healed my body and learned to breath again, to help you dive within your unconscious while looking for the lies your ego has chosen as truth.

What is the (limiting) truth of your ego that has led you to more wounds compared to the truth of your true self that wants to emerge?

I advocate for a healthy relationship between two people ready to walk together on the path to their own greatness. 

From being chained to being untamed.

It's not just about understanding why you're stuck. It's about getting yourself unstuck for good.

Free from attachment style 

Free from limitations 

Free from repetitive arguments and broken intimacy.

Forget about another awakening  that lasts for a few days.

We're going to help you heal so that you can stay awake.

This method changes lives.

Old perspectives collapse.

New REALMS open.

That's why I do it. I hold the safe space you deserve that you may have never experienced.

Hunting the shadows and bringing them to light. From Wounded Ego to Soul.

It has worked for me, it will work for you.

What am I hunting?

  • The stream of misinformation, diagnoses by proxy, inaccurate advice and "professionals" who claim to help do the work but reinforces the root of the work that needs to be done.

  • The new age industry that locks people in more prisons and promotes a harmful perfectionism tinged with endless courses, more crystals, more ceremonies, more spiritual bypassing. In the meantime, time passes and you find yourself with a full head and a heart that's still empty.

  • The blind spots of your ego so that we can bring the forgotten powerful parts of yourself back into the light of life.

  • Your emotional dependencies on your own shadow needs, emotional negative attachments and your autonomic nervous system responses, stuck in the experience of familiar chemicals.

You don’t have to feel lost, stuck or confused any longer.

Rock bottom is no more.

You may have been there too long. 

Time to turn your life around.