Experience life beyond endless conflicts, 

unresolved hurts

& subconscious prisons.

JULIA - Narcissitic abuse recovery

“I wanted to take the time to say thank you, our work and time together has been something that has been life changing for me !

I have gained the ability to have a clearer picture of my wounding  and have another tool to use when I’m feeling triggered.  A greater understanding of how I came to have many of the challenges and lessons in my past relationships. 

The work is raw and in times difficult, yet I have gained so much perspective and insight into my own inner workings. 

I walked away with the ability to have deep clarity  and confidence to see when I’m not holding true to my own boundaries . To be able to ask myself questions in that moment, that will help steer me back in the direction where I’ll be able to  make choices that are in alignment with my true self and who I hope to attract into my life. 

I cannot thank you enough,  not only for the tools you have provided me with . But for holding space for me , your approach, your candor, and your humor proved to be priceless. It helped  tremendously in moments when facing some of the most challenging memories and truths.   
I truly felt seen and comfortable enough to allow myself to be vulnerable. This is something that traditional therapy has never provided me. I’m grateful and feel that what you offer is something that everyone should  dig into for a greater sense of self , especially when the goal is a healthy relationship with themselves and with a partner.”

My services for YOU.

  • 1:1 IMMERSION Sessions

    This sessions are tailored to your specific needs. We dive into your being to help you break free from subconscious prisons, limiting shadow needs and stubborn emotional negative attachments.


    This is helping couples moving from internal and external conflicts to more harmony, cohesion and liberation.

  • 1:1 ONLINE single BREATHWORK session

    These breathwork sessions are dedicated to help you release repressed or supressed emotions, trapped traumas, assisting you with your grieving process or connecting to your higher self to receive answers and guidance.


    6 months immersion, helping you moving defusing the barriers to your highest potential of evolution.

Working with Quentin has given me the full picture and awareness of how my upbringing in a dysfunctional and abusive home is playing out in my adult life and relationships. With this awareness I am now able to do and act differently, re-discover my values and needs and reclaim a new approach to life and living. Working with Quentin felt very safe and the work has been by far the most potent and effective I have experienced in getting to the core of my wounds and to move beyond the learnt behaviour from childhood."


“Working with Quentin was phenomenal.. I gained a new understanding of myself and immediately felt lighter from the very first session. He takes his time and really educates you on what is happening and how to move forward powerfully. Prior to working with him, my partner and I were on the verge of DIVORCE and thank to Quentin we are still in the game committed to healing and repairing and moving forward with grace.”


Let’s work together.


  • 1:1 IMMERSION Sessions -

This is for you if you want to heal from the following:

  • Unhealthy relationships.

  • Attracting unavaible partners

  • Communication issues / Communication skills

  • Divorce and Breakup internal resolution.

  • Anxiety.

  • Depression.

  • Attachment styles.


  • OCD

  • Narcissistic injury and abuse.

  • People pleasing, rescuing, fixing, saving patterns

  • Self sabotage/ Relationship’s sabotage

  • Wounds of abandonment, rejection, betrayal

  • Humiliation wound (shame)

  • Deprivation wound (neglect)

  • Fear based behaviours.

  • Father wound and mother wound

  • Night terrors.

  • IBS, Sibo and digestion problems.

  • Skin issues.

  • Hashimoto’s disease & Throat’s issues

  • Sexual trauma.

  • Emotional trauma.

  • Migraines & Headhaches.

  • Chronic illness.

  • Addictions (Porn, Alchohol, drugs...)

  • Self doubts.

  • Insomnia.

Choose between 3, 6 or 9 sessions to go deep into your subconscious, unmask the false self, defuse attachment styles and other limitations. 75-90 minutes for each session.

You will begin the onboarding process, by completing a childhood and relationship questionnaire.

I will then design a program to uncover your subconscious limitations, mental prisons over your chosen timeframe. The information provided in the questionnaire will allow us to dive right into the deeper work from the very first session.

The core of this work together will take place weekly over Zoom. The sessions will be recorded and provided to you. Each session is focused on what you need for your best healing and internal development.

It is highly recommended to rewatch each session to maximise its impact.

This method is very different from traditional therapy, psychology and common approaches as it is made to dissolve the all chain of your limiting patterns.

Not just the inner child

Not just the unconscious

Not just the trapped emotions in your body .

Please note that, as everything is tailored for each individual needs, my approach changes and adapts according to YOU.

You will also have access to my coaching between sessions when you need advices and clarity, via text or vocal message on WhatsApp. This time between sessions is where real life, triggers and changes occur and I can support your evolution.

My clients love the opportunity to have access to me between sessions.

Time to HEAL and live outside the WOUNDED EGO.

3 weeks : $2050 USD

6 weeks : $3800 USD

9 weeks : $5800 USD

Single session available only after a minimum of 6 sessions done.

$700 USD per session


6 months - 12 sessions -

2 x sessions per month.

Serious inquiries only. Master your dark, break the mental chains, change your LIFE.

In this, I help you break free from every deep constraints you have and (re-)train yourself to create a life free from limitations. De-programming the wounded ego at its finest.

CONTACT ME for more details!

  • Breathwork « The Healing Howl »
    Single session 1:1 -

Embody your healing with a breath work session that will help you solidy your improvements, release trapped traumas stored in your tissues, so your internal liberation shift your external reality. This is for people who are aware of their wounds, prisons, patterns and feel that some trapped, stucked energy from their past needs to be liberated from their body. These breathwork sessions can also help them connect to higher realms of consciousness and bring back the answers they are looking for.

Single session of 75-90 minutes each -

  • 2:1 CONTAINER - for driven couple) -

These sessions are highly transformational and tailored for driven couples who want to thrive from conflicts, break free from their ego's limitations and create a connected, lasting relationship, together.

This is for you if you want to heal from the following:

  • Any relationships issues

  • Attracting unavaible partners

  • Communication issues / Communication skills

  • Divorce and Breakup internal resolution.

Choose between 5, 8 or 12 sessions to shift the relaitonship you have with yourslef and the one you have with your partner. 75-90 minutes for each session.

The 1:1 sessions will be done before the 2:1 sessions.

You will begin the onboarding process, by completing a childhood and relationship questionnaire.

I will then design a program to uncover your subconscious limitations, mental prisons over your chosen timeframe. The information provided in the questionnaire will allow us to dive right into the deeper work from the very first session.

The core of this work together will take place weekly over Zoom. The sessions will be recorded and provided to you. Each session is focused on what you need for your best healing and internal development.

It is highly recommended to rewatch each session to maximise its impact.

Please note that, as everything is tailored for each individual needs, my approach changes and adapts according to YOU.

You will also have access to my coaching between sessions when you need advices and clarity, via text or vocal message on WhatsApp. This time between sessions is where real life, triggers and changes occur and I can support your evolution.

Options for 5, 8 or 12 sessions

5 sessions: 2 x 1:1 partner A + 2 x 1:1 partner B + 1 sessions 2:1
8 sessions : 3 x 1:1 partner A + 3 x 1:1 partner B + 2 x 2:1
12 sessions : 4 x 1:1 partner A + 4 x 1:1 partner B + 4 x 2:1

5 sessions: $4200 USD

8 sessions : $5900 USD

12 sessions : $7500 USD


  • "I never had so much value delivered in 3 sessions. Finally a method that doesn’t take months to work! Quentin doesn’t only hold space, he gets you, truly, and show you what you forgot that you are."


  • "I thought I was aware, but this is an awareness beyond awareness. I realise I was trapped in the flow of information around behaviours and patterns on social medias which kept me more stucked. Understanding my own prisons with customised breathwork and a strategy to move on, I can’t wait for my integration opportunity to come and see what life has for me." (3 months after the first testimonial). I don't have much to say, my life changed. I have finally attracted a partner I can truly be myself with. From my heart, thank you.


  • "This is life changing. I was trapped in my religious background and how wrong I thought I was for decades, from a very abusive father and a dismissive, passive mother. I had 6 sessions with quentin. After the third, I could feel grace for the very first time, ever. The relationship with my two girls improved. « There is something different about you mum. » It’s like a door opened and the trapped shame has finally left my body."


  • "Quentin was instrumental in helping me heal a large portion of my trauma. His process provides a framework that helps to elucidate traps set by the ego and a language to discuss how our body is responding to trapped emotions. This coupled with breathe work and other tools is incredibly powerful. More importantly, though, Quentin is genuine and kind and has his mentees best interest at heart always. Working with him has help change my life for the better."


  • "I was Working with Quentin and chose the signature mentorship of 12 weeks. He helped me tap into and release so many limiting thoughts patterns and beliefs locked in deep subconscious prisons that I didn’t even know I had! I had more “aha” moments that I can even count while working with him, and It was truly an important part of my personal evolution in awareness.”


  • "It was absolutely noticeable the impact of the work you've done with me for this. I cannot thank you enough, and express how strong I feel today emotionally & energetically through your work. I honestly can't believe how empowered I feel in the face of challenges, and the things that have unfolded this past month. Quentin, what you do, feel & know is life changing for people like me. Never forget how special you are to this world... like you've helped me realise about myself & my little girl."


  • "I would like to write a big “thank you” to Quentin for his amazing work. This mentorship with him has been very profound. I was reluctant to contact him at first. Ive been in therapy for 5 years, done heaps of healing and inner work, what else could he possibly offer me? But I had a pull to see him and so I took a leap of faith and I definitely glad I did! He is a wealth of knowledge and information. I keep listening to the recordings again and again, making notes, doing the exercises he suggested. Life changing. During the breathwork I also managed to fully reconnect with some old lost parts of me, and let go of trauma and painful past memories."


  • "This mentorship changed my life in every way I can think! I found the truth behind my deepest struggles which is in of itself life altering. As you have stated, you cannot ‘unsee’ something once you see it and thus, I cannot hide from the truth anymore. It’s wonderful because the truth isn’t scary, it’s liberating and even humorous at times. Like it was really THAT that caused all of THIS? All masks do indeed drop and that really changes you. This work gave me the most healing in 6 sessions than from a decade of traditional work. I felt more healing in hearing mere sentences than countless years in therapy offices. I have never had someone read about my entire life and map all the pieces together and missing links and make sense of everything. I recommend this work because it shows you how beautiful life can truly be. Life beyond your prisons feels like a miracle and everyone deserves this."


  • Right after the first session, I could feel a radical shift within me. Quentin found that ONE prison that changed everything. My perspective and self talk was then already changing from the second session, much more than what I had anticipated. And that, to me, was worth everything.


Complete this form,

I got you.

“The right person for you is growing and expanding so you can both meet at one point in time, based on your internal evolution. Until then, everyone else who enters your life is the right one in that moment for you to evolve into the person you need to be, to bring in, the partner you can create a long lasting relationship with”

- Q.

Sometimes, Healing happens in the mind.

Sometimes, Healing happens in the body.

Sometimes, Healing happens through the language we use and from the energy we release.

Effectively, it happens all at Once.